Leadership in a VUCA world   

The expression VUCA is often used to describe our time: highly Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous.

We experience huge changes in migration and climate, at the same time industry and business are influenced by globalisation, robotisation and digitalisation. Faced with all of these changes, individuals and organisations with a high capacity for change are the winners.

What does great leadership look like today? Are traditional management skills getting less relevant? We work with our clients to develop leaders with the capacity to lead through needed changes.  

For further reading:

Psychological safety boosts team effectiveness. Google´s Project Aristotle - re:Work

What VUCA really means for you. Bennet and Lemoine, HBR

The Business Case for Curiosity. Francesca Gino, HBR

The Surprising Power of Questions. Alison Wood Brooks and Leslie K. John, HBR

Cultivating Everyday Courage. James R. Detert, HBR

How Will Technology Transform Humanity? NY Times